MoneyStack Secures Pre-Seed Funding with Finta, Fueling Nationwide Growth

Finta helped us track 100+ investor relationships in our pre-seed round and was essential for managing conversations. It’s already preparing us for our next round by identifying seed investors in our network. – Alex De Marco, MoneyStack CEO
Finta takes any company, at any stage, and creates seamless connections to investors who are looking for those types of deals.
We recently helped MoneyStack, a dynamic company providing crucial financial counseling to gambling addicts, augmenting the mental health services they’re receiving. Using Finta, MoneyStack closed a $600,000+ pre-seed round as it expands to customers across the U.S.
What is MoneyStack
Gambling addiction has become a major American problem since a federal ban on sports betting was legalized in 2018. MoneyStack provides an answer to that problem with a proprietary software platform, GamFin, and financial counseling that complements mental health that gambling addicts receive.
Treatment providers meet and interact with MoneyStack counselors through GamFin, and together they support people struggling with financial difficulties caused by gambling.
A lot of people in mental health treatment have financial stressors that make recovery more complicated. MoneyStack is a trusted, plug-and-play resource that specializes in untangling these problems. It is funded by governments and nonprofits, and thus free to providers and patients.
The company’s national growth is fueled by government investments in the treatment of gambling addiction. It has expanded to customers in 17 states, many of them the state governments themselves. Large nonprofits and behavioral health entities have also onboarded GamFin.
MoneyStack has an exciting opportunity as a partner with state governments that are making significant investments in battling gambling addiction. It also plans to develop a suite of fintech tools that support its mission of helping gambling addicts recover and get back to living fulfilled lives.
MoneyStack has doubled its revenue since it graduated from the TechStars Economic Mobility Accelerator in 2023. The company’s pipeline suggests it will double and possibly triple its revenue in 2025.
Pre-Seed Round
MoneyStack recently closed a pre-seed round that included a $250,000 contribution from the Richard King Mellon Foundation, The Fintech Fund, Sidecut Ventures and angels.
The round supports three immediate goals at MoneyStack.
1. Invest in sales toward the goal of doubling annual recurring revenue, at least, with a meaningful chance of tripling it in 2025.
2. Building out the GamFin product to illustrate how dynamic fintech tools can help people heal.
3. Establishing pilot projects outside gambling and the behavioral health market that brings MoneyStack into sizable new markets.
Why MoneyStack Used Finta
MoneyStack CEO Alex De Marco was managing his raise via spreadsheets when he had a conversation with Kevin Siskar, the founder and CEO of Finta, who suggested MoneyStack move its investor spreadsheet over to Finta.
De Marco primarily used Finta’s CRM tool to manage ongoing conversations with more than 100 angel investors, most of whom he knew from past endeavors. The specialized CRM is one of many Finta features, and is designed to create an intuitive funnel that follows founder-investor relationships from early conversations all the way to money being wired.
De Marco said the experience allowed him to manage the fundraising process while also having the mental space to work on his business.
MoneyStack plans to open a seed round in 2025. It will use Finta as an investor relations hub until that happens, then run the same process on Finta with new prospective seed investors.
MoneyStack is a tech-enabled startup company that helps gambling addicts get back on their feet financially.
State governments that legalized gambling are now subsidizing treatment activities for those with addiction. MoneyStack has become a trusted partner across the U.S. in successfully partnering with mental health providers to untangle gambling-related financial disasters.
The company is on a hot streak. It graduated from TechStars in late 2023, doubled its revenue in 2024 and plans to double, possibly triple, its revenue again this year.
Using Finta, MoneyStack closed a pre-seed round this year that will undergird investments in sales, engineering and market discovery.
MoneyStack leadership plans to embark on a seed round next year. They will use Finta as an investor relations hub in the meantime, and ultimately tap the platform to manage its seed round.