How To Find The Right Investors For Your Company

Finding the right investors for your startup can be daunting, but is a critical step in ensuring a successful raise. This guide will walk you through effective strategies to select the ideal target investors - and how Finta's tools can simplify your fundraising process.

Understanding Your Ideal Investor

Before you start looking for investors, it's essential to understand who your ideal investor actually is. Different investors have different goals, interests, and investment strategies. Here's what you need to consider:

  1. Investment Stage: Are you looking for angel, pre-seed, seed funding, Series A, or a later-stage investment? Different investors focus on different stages, so make sure you’re targeting those who actually invest in companies at your stage.
  2. Industry Focus: Make sure the investor has a history of investing in your industry, or is industry-agnostic. If you’re a Climate-tech company, don’t start pitching to investors who only focus on Life Sciences or something way out of their wheelhouse.
  3. Investment Size: Ensure the investor's typical investment size matches your funding needs. What is your target investment amount? If it’s $1M, an investor whose minimum check size is $5M is probably not a good fit.
  4. Value Add: Beyond money, what else can the investor offer? Look for investors who can provide strategic guidance, industry connections, and other resources.

Remember, building a relationship with investors is a two-way street. You’re vetting investors to work with, just as much as they are deciding whether to invest in you.

Online Databases to Find Investors

There are several online databases where you can find information on potential investors. Below, we’ve highlighted some of the most popular and beneficial:

  • Pitchbook: While it’s one of the more pricier options, there’s a reason for that. Pitchbook lets you search and segments out investors into great detail - from stage, dry powder, industry, sector, and more. You can even drill down to see similar companies to yours that have received investments, and target those investors as well. Contact information and email addresses are also easily accessible on this platform.
  • Crunchbase: Crunchbase is similar to Pitchbook, in that it offers detailed information about investors, their investment history, and the types of startups they fund. There are also a lot of fellow startups listed on Crunchbase. However, it can be less comprehensive and reliable due to relying mostly on user-provided data. That said, Crunchbase is a more affordable option, and has a free account where you can see some information before a paywall appears.
  • LinkedIn: With some practice, LinkedIn can be an incredibly helpful tool for researching investors and finding mutual connections to them. A quick Google search of how to effectively search LinkedIn by titles and connections can help you be more efficient in this - and get to some warm intros faster!

In addition to these platforms, Finta's investor-focused CRM leverages your fundraising data to suggest the most suitable investors from its extensive database.

Networking Opportunities

90% of investors in a round of capital tend to come from warm introductions. Personal connections are incredibly valuable when seeking investors. Here are some effective networking strategies to meet more potential investors and partners:

  1. Leverage Your Network: Ask your advisors, mentors, and peers for introductions to investors. This can be done in person, or on platforms like LinkedIn.
  2. Attend Industry Events: Conferences, trade shows, and meetups are great places to meet investors and begin a relationship.
  3. Join Startup Accelerators and Incubators: These programs often have strong investor networks, and a team of people ready to help you connect to them!
  4. Pitch Competitions: These events can provide exposure to a wide range of investors, getting you on their radar and adding to your credibility.

Using Finta to Streamline Your Fundraising

Finta acts as your Capital Copilot, supporting businesses from start to finish with a suite of tools designed to make fundraising more efficient. Here's how Finta can help you fundraise:

  1. Investor Suggestions: Finta analyzes your company and automatically suggests the most suitable investors from its database.
  2. Deal Rooms: Securely share critical information and documents with investors in a professional deal room. Pro tip: Your deal can also be used by Aurora, Finta's AI, help you personally drive your deal forward.
  3. Investor-Focused CRM: Manage your interactions with venture capital investors effectively through our unique CRM to keep you organized and on track!


Finding the right investors is crucial for the success and growth of your startup. By understanding your ideal investor, utilizing online databases, networking effectively, and leveraging tools like Finta, you can streamline the process and increase your chances of securing the right funding.